Friday, 7 June 2013

How to Hack CCTV Cameras and Control Them

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CCTV cameras are located wide across the globe. They use an IP server to administer these cams and most of them can be virtually controlled by their admins. But the fact is that, the page of administration is not blocked for any user or proxy. It can be accessed by anyone. So finding the admin page is only what it takes to hack into them and have some fun.
Follow the steps below:
> Go to
> Now in the search box. Type this => inurl:view/index.shtml
> Now, look for the camera in the results and check the search result links. You will get the camera and their controllers also (if you are lucky enough).
> Also, remember that some of them might require a Username and Password to access their controllers. In that case you can only see what the Admin is making the camera do.
See, I found this:


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